Locate your nearest BEECN site

A BEECN (short for Basic Earthquake Emergency Communication Node) is a temporary radio communications site staffed by at least two volunteers after a major earthquake that takes down phone lines. BEECNs are places where you can report severe damage or injury or ask for emergency assistance when phones are down.

Use this interactive map or download this pdf to located the BEECN sites nearest your home, work, school and other locations you where and your family spend a lot of time so that you know where to go after an earthquake to get important information.

The The Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM) hopes to have BEECNs up and running within 24-48 hours of a major earthquake.

You can learn more about the BEECN program and how to become a volunteer here.

Achievement Unlocked: “Sound Advice”

Tyler Robinson

Owner of Side Quest Escape Games, home of the Shaky Grounds Cafe, a mobile escape room about emergency preparedness.


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