Watch this 60 second video about water prep

One of the easiest, least expensive and most important actions you can take to becoming better prepared is to store water for an emergency. When we prepare, we plan for the worst case disaster and in the Pacific Northwest that would likely be a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. After such an event, we should expect to be on our own for at least 2 weeks. That means what you have on hand at the moment the earthquake strikes may be all you have for a while. Expect utilities to be non-functional, including your water line so, store some extra water before you need it.

Remember to store 1 gallon of water per person (and pet), per day for 14 days…14 gallons of water EACH! Does that sound like a lot? Well, imagine how much water you used today and try to imagine ONLY using 1 gallon a day. This 1 gallon of water will include the water you use to drink, wash and prepare food, clean and sanitize, bath and brush teeth. It also includes water usage for any toilet needs, hand washing and… coffee brewing!

Learn more about becoming 2 weeks ready on the Oregon Department of Emergency Management’s website or download their 2-weeks ready water brochure here.

Watch the short video below to learn more about water preparedness from OEM.

Achievement Unlocked: “Hydrated”

Tyler Robinson

Owner of Side Quest Escape Games, home of the Shaky Grounds Cafe, a mobile escape room about emergency preparedness.



Take a Free OSU Course Online: Preparing for the CSZ