The more players, the lower the cost!
We now offer sliding scale pricing based on group size. Keep an eye on our socials for discounts and specials to save even more! During our pop-up events, stop by the trailer, say Hi, and ask if we are offering any walk-in specials or group discounts. We’re nice… we’ll probably say yes.
Pop-Up Events
Priced per Player
3+ strongly encouraged
2 players:
3 players:
4, 5, 6 players:
7 or 8 players:
$52 each
$45 each
$38 each
$35 each
Bring Us To You
Priced per Game
Max. 8 players per game
1st Game:
More Games:
Generator fee:
$200 ea.
$4.50 p/mile
$20 p/hour