
The more players, the lower the cost!

| 143 Reviews | Google | Morty

We now offer sliding scale pricing based on group size. Keep an eye on our socials for discounts and specials to save even more! During our pop-up events, stop by the trailer, say Hi, and ask if we are offering any walk-in specials or group discounts. We’re nice… we’ll probably say yes.

Pop-Up Events

Priced per Player

3+ strongly encouraged

2 players:

3 players:

4, 5, 6 players:

7 or 8 players:

$52 each

$45 each

$38 each

$35 each

Bring Us To You

Priced per Game

Max. 8 players per game

1st Game:

More Games:


Generator fee:


$200 ea.

$4.50 p/mile

$20 p/hour